Friday, March 27, 2009

Blizzard--March 27th

They had been predicting a blizzard all week. All the kids expected to get the day off. Amarillo and many other schools called school off last night when it was close to 70 degrees, but we did not. We got up and went to school and about 9:30 it began to snow and blow--school was called about 11:00. We came home and ate our sandwiches that either we got at school or we took to school. Bailey got spacerson the bottom and will get braces on the bottom next Thursday. She ate strawberry ice cream and is doing much better. We had pan fried pork chops and potatoes, carrots and salad selects salad. This afternoon, the boys and I made sugar cookies. The theme of the week is the extra burn flavor--first rice-r-roni (added a bit of flavor), enchiladas a bit overdone and tonight (only one side) charred pork chops--didn't ruin it tonight. I really want to do better--just too many other things going on.

Creek on the way home

We had fun on our way home. Clint really loves the mountains and we enjoyed over thirty minutes of nature!! Walking on a log, skipping rocks and having family time.

group pic during spring break no. 4

at the park with cousins and friends

Group pic during spring break no. 2 & 3

Monday, March 23, 2009

Angel Fire part 1

I was so busy trying to get the kids in ski school that I didn't even get pics the first day. Bailey and Teagen both went to ski school and did well. Bailey was able to go up the lift and down the bunny slope. One cool thing was the conveyor belt that the school used to get people up the mountain a little ways. Teagen liked it and did well. The lunch wasn't his favorite. She shucked his coat immediately and I picked up his toboggan as we went to check on him at lunch and we lost gloves too!! He did well though. Because I wasn't skiing, I didn't want him to be someone else's charge that day so I gave him the choice to go to all day ski school or no skiing at all. It was a tough choice for him, but he chose to spend the day with us. Bailey with Wes Stribling's help and Joli's willingness skied the second day!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Laundro Mat and the park on Tuesday

We washed BB's blanket and had lunch at the park.

Spring Break at Home

We cleaned up around BB's pen and then the kids were really wanting to get water under the trampoline!! We then cooked out--fun stuff.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Teagen Basketball too!!

Mace and Chad have been willing to work with the first and second grade boys for a few practices and then for two games. Teagen is number 5 and has scored both games. The second graders have been great to help the first graders and everyone on the team score. They played Valley both times with one being in Happy and one being in Valley (this last Tuesday night) He plays great defense!!

Bailey and basketball--Happy Cowgirls Black

Bailey has not only had games most Saturdays since the first of February, but she has also had practice twice a week too. We had a game on Thursday against Valley and then two Saturdays has been two games. She has learned so much. She has scored at games and last week during he first game I watched something that I could help her with. I challenged her with money per rebound. She ended up with five that game, but no shots. (Not because she hadn't tried!!)

Her number is 5!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bailey turned Eleven January 3rd

Bailey had friends over. We took pictures of Jacie's wedding on her real birthday and had our families over for food on Sunday. Bailey has great friends and family.

Hello again!!

Ok so I thought that once a month would be great! BUT, here we are Spring Break--March 15th. Things are great. Basketball every weekend. Art and dance on Mondays. High school basketball playoffs. I can't even seem to get laundry done or clean the house for sure, so blogging just didn't seem right. I have enjoyed life. God is so so good. This is a time of lent. I gave up fountain diet cokes and limit myself to one DC in the morning. So really what does that have to do with anything. I want to be connected with the Easter season. I do believe that I can constantly be better. I think it is great to be disciplined. I'm not sure I am in any way. No. I'm sure I am, but hard to put my finger on exactly what because the needs of other people are more important to me. I don't know where the time goes. I want to be a great wife and mother. That is not something that happens very easily.

I feel that I have just rambled and rambled. Just trying to help myself work through thoughts in my mind.

Still focusing on exercising some, stretching to keep my siadic(sp) nerve from getting too tight.