Ok Summer is so cool. Not literally right now. I have enjoyed looking at blogs this morning. I really think the medium is charming. I am thrilled Clay Fite is at least out of the hospital and my friend wrote about how the Internet makes it possible to follow such situations and learn more about others. I have thoroughly enjoyed keeping up with my friend and my little cousin this way. God really has worked in this area for me. How soothing it can be! I am cleaning out and thoroughly cleaning my house. I am now working in the kitchen. I love my home because it is my home and I love the challenge to live in what could be considered a small space at times for all 5 of us and all of our things. I so believe it is a lesson in that things CANNOT be important, because they have to move on out to make room for what is important. I look at so many things as a hinderance because they only add to the clutter. I myself still get caught up in things, especially clothes and jewelry. I really know that the rules also apply to me. I have always loved to take things home from events, vacations, etc. to try to hold onto the event or the memory. It is the people that matter. I am soooooooo thrilled that I have a husband to put up with my roller coaster of a personality. THANK YOU GOD FOR CLINT!!
This morning I was on the front porch reading blogs and Kyton appeared at the door. He is such a loving kid. He put on his shoes and socks (long of course these days) and came out and drew on the sidewalk. He can make me feel so loved. THank you for that too.
This is such a random blog. I love the fact that I have a summer to recoup. I just clicked on next blog this morning and ran into so many interesting blogs that relate to me. One was an art teacher that was talking about how being a teacher just sucks the life right out of you--it is soooooo true. I am thrilled to get the chance to regroup and look at life from a different angle.
My kids are reading, memorizing scripture and Bible facts AND swimming and so much more.
This morning after looking at my friend Laura's blog, I decided that for Father's Day I would like to write a 10 things I learned from my Dad(dy) in his card. Before I share those, I want to give a tribute and love for a man that was not my dad but at stock shows was a fill in. My dad was in charge of the animals per say and George was in charge of the kids. I miss George and his was not even my dad. My heart reaches out to you Laura on Father's Day. I can only write what I learned from my dad and be thankful that I can still walk up and hug him. I do not forget that this and many other days have to be hard for you. George was a great man and I love you!!
10 things Dad(dy) taught me--
1. Pay attention to and love little children
2. how to balance and checkbook and that you should do it!!
3. 7+5=12 7x 8=56
4. to take a nap
5. sing and praise the Lord with all your heart
6. Education and educating is important
7. To love and respect your spouse
8. Take your family on vacation
9. Time with your kids before bed is invaluable
10. To be ther and give TIME and attention to your grandkids.
Also, I wanted to share this picture of my kitchen as I took the curtains down to wash (I sure hope they survive, they may have needed to be dry cleaned, but don't really want to spend the money or the time). I love the openess and beauty of simplicity. Just wanted to share.
Until I can add pics of my kids as we live through the summer.