Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Maya Angelou

I went Monday to WT to listen to Maya Angelou. She was great!! She talked about reading and educating yourself constantly AND about being a rainbow in someone else's cloud. It was awesome to hear an author of her caliber.

This was from a speech similar to what we heard.

Angelou continued by stating the importance of making poetry an integral part of
everyone’s lives, which she claims has always been a motivating factor for her.
“During those years that I didn’t speak, I memorized Shakespeare, Langston
Hughes, Longfellow, Countee Cullen and Paul Lawrence Dunbar. We look to poetry
for encouragement.”

She said that poetry offers support for those who are
going through hard times, because one can read it and know that someone else has
already experienced something just as difficult, and, more importantly, made it

She concluded by urging everyone to make the most out of life,
since “it’s given to us to live but once.
The noblest cause in the world is the
liberation of the human mind. Know that you all have the privilege of becoming a
rainbow in the clouds.”

Monday, April 27, 2009

Circus at the Civic Center with Friends

We had a great time at the circus. Tigers, little bikes--great entertainment, archery!! We loved it. Teagen even jumped rope in the center ring.

Friday, April 17, 2009


I think this is so fun!! Laura tagged me earlier in the week and things and nonworking internet got in the way. Here are the rules. Feel free to join in.

1. Choose the fourth folder where you store pictures on your computer.
2. Choose the fourth picture.
3. Explain that picture.
4. Tag 4 other people.

Teagen showing off gum given him by the Easter Bunny on Saturday before the egg hunt. The Easter bunny comes on Saturday to downplay that and focus on the religious aspect of Easter with the resurrection as the focus.

I tag Janda, M'Lynn and whoever I can get to play with me. Sadie. Thanks Laura.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

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Spring Snow

We had all our gear--barely washed--but ready to go when it snowed. We did have school so we did not lose a day. We did not use our snow day. We had a great time. Bailey had her last regular basketball game that morning and she knew we needed to get back so their was snow left to play in. We had a great time--and the pictures show it.