I do notreally like to have the system of school messed up. I know that going to school in the spring gets harder and harder, so I never like snow days initially because they mess up the other days off. Here goes Good Friday off and then now we will have to go on a Saturday. AHH!! But...I am glad to be able to have days unexpectedly to mess things up or fixing things in our lives. It is great to slow down and "play house".
I am reading through the Bible. I do not believe I have ever stuck with it, but I am reading it chronologically and am reading The Message version. I do not really believe in that version, but I like it as I try to read it everyday.
Still trying not to spend money. We have eaten at home as much as we can. If we have meetings in Canyon, we try to eat before or after we go. Trying to make a dent in some debt. I really want to pay off our car (the Sequioa). We will see, but I believe we can.
The kids are doing great. I love to spend time with them encouraging them, helping them grow up. Each is busy in his/her own way.
TAKS preparation, Yearbook, UIL, etc. keeping me really busy! Trying to leave school at school. HAHA!!
I am really enjoying the Pioneer Woman's cookbook. Last Saturday, I made 6 different recipes. Yesterday, two. Today, one. I really have made just about all the recipes I want to from the book. Then I will work on the ones we like. I have repeated eggs in a hole many times, and the puffs twice.
2010 is working well for us. Join us as I have time to post. Clint is gone more lately which leaves less time!!