Monday, October 13, 2008

Jana and Layton back not only on American soil, but Happy soil too!

Jana and Layton flew in on Sunday. We had a great week going about our regular activities with great food from Mom. I took off Wednesday and Thursday. Kyton had a check up and shots, I did needed bloodwork and Bailey had a dentist appointment plus we walked with the kids during PE--all in a day!! Thursday, Mom, Jana and I ran errands and shopped. We laughed about what did we want for Thanksgiving. Jana and Layton will spend Thanksgiving with us again this year because we are also celebrating Grandaddy's 90th birthday on the 28th! We tye died t-shirts, cut hair, welcomed Journey the dragon to the Webkinz family and sat through the rain for a flag football game! We had an awesome time for sure.


Janda Bressler said...

Looks like ya'll had a good time! I always love it when I get to see my sister too!

Laura said...

Yay Christy, I'm proud of you for taking DAYS off!!! Glad everyone is home safely and that you all got to spend some time together.