I think this is so fun!! Laura tagged me earlier in the week and things and nonworking internet got in the way. Here are the rules. Feel free to join in.
1. Choose the fourth folder where you store pictures on your computer.
2. Choose the fourth picture.
3. Explain that picture.
4. Tag 4 other people.
Teagen showing off gum given him by the Easter Bunny on Saturday before the egg hunt. The Easter bunny comes on Saturday to downplay that and focus on the religious aspect of Easter with the resurrection as the focus.
I tag Janda, M'Lynn and whoever I can get to play with me. Sadie. Thanks Laura.
Way cool--what a good idea. also makes getting to church easeir, I bet.
Thanks for playing.
That is awesome. I love that it was Teagen's pic too! That is a fun idea!
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