Friday, July 24, 2009

Rambling on Friday

OK, well I am experimenting with font colors. Fun. I have almost baked 7 loaves of bread. The zucchini was out of the garden that yeilded three loaves and then I made banana bread to avoid wasting the bananas.

It had been 18 days since we had eaten out as a family and we ended up eating at Taco Villa last night. We have been to Donut Stop twice because of various celebrations and reasons, but no eating out for all five of us for that amount of time. Bailey commented about wow, we are eating out, but not being sarcastic!! Yeah.

I am trying Karen's heavenly pie tonight for Mom's birthday and a chicken enchilada casserole from the back of a cheese package. We'll see!! I have enjoyed cooking.

This week I am supposed to be working on arms--1 day. Not eating after dinner. I have enjoyed this healthier thinking. I have also made myself drink at least 80 oz. of water a day and have done rather well.

I used my chimeria to make a little fire for roasting the usual. I sure took me a while, but I am not giving up and had a nice little fire. The first of the summer. I really enjoy that. I have worked on projects this week: a checkbook for Clint, a present for Baby Blessing, scrapbook cards for Mom and one for Mary. Anyway...a bit different week.

I love life. It sure will be hard to go back to school, but it is my calling and I will be fine. I hope to cut back on unnecessary projects to make me less stressed this year to be better for my family. We'll see. Pictures to come.

1 comment:

Janda Bressler said...

Yum on the zucinni bread my zucinni didn't come up this yr?? My whole garden is kinda pitiful this yr?

I too have been cooking all the time Ben and I are always trying to save on money and pay off debt so we cook alot at home. It's a good way to save and a good way to get quality time together.