Sunday, August 30, 2009

Carrying my Bible

Ok, it has been a really full week of spiritual activities. You should have seen the fellowship hall of our church. We have people everywhere. We even filled up the dining hall main room plus at the camp on our traditional Ceta Canyon picnic that coincided with Dayspring revival. I did enjoy it. The stories really kept people of all ages listening and enjoying. It is great to listen to the boys singing the books of the old testament and new testament. Kyton doesn't even know how to say those words, but sings right along. It was good. Today, we went to the 100th celebration of the First Baptist Church of Happy. I gave 18 plus years to attending there and the people gave soooo much to listen to Bob Miller with his passion for the gospel and the spreading of it sure inspires me. It is our job to tell people about Jesus. Then we have done our job and it is up to people, but we must tell people. Mission work is everywhere. We do not even have to leave our own homes/hometowns. We just have to be prayed up and ready.

Still praying about finances and that God has to be in charge. I cannot figure it all out on my own. No extra purchases. We are really still trying to eat at home as much as we can. I will finish with the groceries I bought and didn't use for two different parties. We can do it!!

Diet Cokes have really been a thorn in my side, more from other people than me. I have no trouble drinking them. I was handed a 12 page report this week from a future student that felt I needed a copy. I only had one yesterday and none today. I can do it. I could save about 500 dollars a year?!!?

Back to the carrying my Bible. I bought a Bible over a year ago to replace the Bible that was coming apart. It just isn't the same. I feel like my old Bible is a great friend and I have missed it. I have been using it this summer. I have carried it to school and revival this week. I believe it has kept me more focused. I just have to make sure and worship God upon reading what is on the inside not just the outside cover.

1 comment:

Laura said...

My Bible is falling apart--I hate to replace it because I'm afraid I won't be able to find stuff in it--Crazy, huh?? I did hear that you can have a Bible rebound--I'm thinking o checking into that.

So glad you had a good week--I'm so proud of your kids for their scripture memory and of Bailey's leadership as well. You and Clint are doing a great job with them.